555 Prospect Avenue, Ridgefield NJ 07657

Rectory: (201) 945-3500 ~ Fax: (201) 945-3796


Welcome to our Parish!

church We, the people of St. Matthew parish are called by Baptism and sent forth by Christ to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. in the spirit of faith, and community, we invite all people to join us in bringing people closer together and closer to God.

We accomplish this by:

Conforming our lives to the image of Christ through prayer and worship.

Contributing to the growth of the parish by spreading the Gospel message in our words and actions.

Being faithful stewards to St. Matthew, by sharing our time, talents and treasures.

Lending support to the leadership of our parish, working together to fulfill our parish mission.

St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church


555 Prospect Avenue, Ridgefield NJ 07657
Rectory: (201) 945-3500
Fax: (201) 945-3796
Email: ContactUs@stmatthewridgefield.org